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Rabu, 18 Desember 2013

4 Four Purusharthas - If you are new to Hinduism

If you are new to Hinduism, you might have a question in your mind that how to live an ideal life as a Hindu. Is it always necessary to denounce the normal life and become an ascetic to acquire salvation?  What are the aims of a Hindu’s life?

According to Vedas, there are four aims of a Hindu’s life:

1. Dharma.

2. Artha.

3. Kama.

4. Moksha.

We will discuss all these four aims in detail in this article.

1. Dharma : Dharma literally means religion or law but here it actually means righteousness i.e. duty towards the society, duty towards the family, duty towards the humanity. So, one has to observe Dharma while living in society by respecting the laws of society and doing the right things.

2. Artha
: Artha means wealth or the things related to earning money. This does not at all mean that Hinduism advocates acquisition of health only but Hinduism understands the importance of money in a person’s life. To live life happily as a common person, you need money but this money should be acquired by honest methods only. If there is a clash between Dharma and Artha, Dharma should be given more priority than Artha.

3. Kama : Kama means pleasure, especially “sexual pleasure.”  The word Kama here also means the pleasure we derive from cultural pursuits, sports, and other creative activities which help us enjoy the life.

People know Hinduism for spirituality but Hinduism is also a very practical religion. Hinduism honestly appreciates that sexual pleasure is one of the highest and purest pleasures that God had given to human. Sex is, no doubt, an important part of a human’s life and we should accept it wholeheartedly. It is the basic instinct through which procreate ourselves and preserve the human race.

4. Moksha : The Moksha means salvation i.e. liberation of the soul from the cycle of birth and rebirth. Hinduism believes in reincarnation. What we are today is the result of our past life Karma and what we would be in the next life would be the result of what we do in the present life. Our soul thus gets trapped in the cycle of birth and rebirth. Therefore, Moksha is necessary to liberate the soul from this cycle. Moksha is the ultimate aim of a Hindu’s life.

Hinduism not only tells the aims of life but also tells how to achieve them. A Hindu’s life is therefore divided in four stages or Asramas to achieve these aims.

source :

Selasa, 10 Desember 2013

Maha Shivratri


Maha Shivratri, which literally translates to “great night of Shiva” is a Hindu festival largely celebrated in India as well as in Nepal. The festival is celebrated on the new moon day in the month of Maagha according to the Hindu calendar. The day is celebrated to venerate Lord Shiva, an important deity in Hindu culture.

There are many mythological legends associated with this day. According to a popular legend, when a hunter could not find anything to kill for his food in a forest, he waited on the branch of a Woodapple tree. In order to attract deer, he started throwing the leaves of the tree on the ground, unaware that there was a Shiva Lingam beneath the tree. Pleased with the Woodapple leaves and the patience of the hunter, it is believed that Lord Shiva appeared in front of the hunter and blessed him with wisdom. From that day onwards, the hunter stopped eating meat.

Another legend has it that after the Earth was faced with an imminent destruction, Goddess Parvati pledged with Lord Shiva to save the world. Pleased with her prayers, Lord Shiva agreed to save the world on the pretext that the people of the Earth would have to worship him with dedication and passion. From that day onwards, the night came to be known as Maha Shivratri and people began worshipping Shiva with a great enthusiasm.

Some folklore also consider this to be Shiva’s day as this was believed to be the answer given by Lord Shiva when asked about his favorite day by Goddess Parvati.

Maha Shivratri is a Hindu festival which is celebrated by people following Hinduism in India. People often fast on the night of Shivratri and sing hymns and praises in the name of Lord Shiva. Hindu temples across the country are decorated with lights and colorful decorations and people can be seen offering night long prayers to Shiva Lingam. Woodapple leaves, cold water and milk are offered to the Shiva Lingam on this day as they are believed to be Lord Shiva’s favorite.

It is believed that the people who fast on this night and offer prayers to Lord Shiva bring good luck into their life. The most popular Maha Shivratri celebrations take place in Ujjain, believed to be the place of residence of Lord Shiva. Large processions are carried out throughout the city, with people thronging the streets to catch a glimpse of the revered idol of Lord Shiva.

sumber :

Rabu, 04 Desember 2013

Tugas dan Fungsi Bimas Hindu


  • Melaksanakan pelayanan dan bimbingan di bidang masyarakat Hindu.
  1. Melaksanakan fungsi penjabaran dan pelaksanaan kebijakan teknis di bidang bimbingan masyarakat Hindu, meliputi lembaga dan sarana agama penyuluh dan tenaga teknis keagamaan, pendidikan agama Hindu, supervise pendidikan, dan pelayanan Pura; dan 
  2. Penyiapan bahan pelayanan dan bimbingan di bidang bimbingan masyarakat Hindu.
Program Bimbingan Masyarakat Hindu di antaranya :
  1. Penyediaan tenaga pendidik dan kependidikan Agama Hindu yang terbina;
  2. Pengembangan Pendidikan Agama dan Pendidikan Keagamaan Hindu yang terbina;
  3. Bantuan Penyuluh non PNS;
  4. Pembinaan Agama Hindu yang Profesional;
  5. Penyuluh Agama Hindu yang terbina.
Program ini disesuaikan dengan Visi dan Misi Kanwil Kemenag Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, yaitu :
  • Terwujudnya masyarakat Sulawesi Tenggara yang taat beragama, rukun, cerdas, mandiri, dan sejahtera lahir batin.
  1. Meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan beragama;
  2. Meningkatkan pembinaan keluarga sakinah, produk halal, ibadah sosial, dan kemitraan umat;
  3. Meningkatkan akses dan mutu raudhatul atfal, madrasah, dan pendidikan agama dan keagamaan;
  4. Meningkatkan kualitas penyelenggaraan ibadah haji dan umrah;
  5. Meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan zakat dan wakaf;
  6. Meningkatkan mutu penyelenggaraan Madrasah Diniyah dan Pondok Pesantren;
  7. Meningkatkan dan melestarikan kerukunan hidup umat beragama; Mewujudkan tata kelola kepemerintahan yang bersih dan berwibawa.
Kunjungi Bimas Hindu Sulawesi Tenggara di


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